Trash Cat Game

Trash Cat Game

Trash Cat Game Online - Play Free Fun Cat Web Games

Embark on an epic adventure down the winding road, where untold treasures await! Dash and dart through the scenic path, gathering valuable bones and delectable fish to unlock a mesmerizing array of props and skins that will set your heart racing! Unleash the thrill of the chase as you accumulate your precious rewards, paving the way to a realm of endless excitement and possibilities. The road to glory beckons, so let the journey begin!

11,307 play times

How to Play Trash Cat Game

The direction key to jump or left or right or crouch.

Why are cats so interested in garbage?

Because of their somewhat blurry, limited vision, cats may be attracted to the smell of trash. Some stray cats are hungry, but already well fed house cats, may just be curious about the smell and junk inside and find it fun to explore and rummage through it. You may wake in the morning to find filthy fragments strewed all over your kitchen or yard, or you may come home to the same, but there are ways of preventing cats from playing this despicable game. I have tried a few different methods to keep the kitty out of the trash, one being eucalyptus oil and the other being window cleaner. Just spay a mist of either on the outside of the garbage bag before putting it into the bin and your tabby and other animals will no longer find the trash as fun.

Frisky, Euphoric, Instinctive and Independent Cats and Kittens

Most cats sleep between 12 and 20 hours per day, but not the alley cats in this free and fun online game. Being frisky, euphoric, instinctive and independent are results of playing, so play for free to keep your mind free garbage and your cat in the can. Because of the concentration of movement that this web game requires, you may find yourself physically and mentally landfilled after playing Trash Cat game online.